Now in its third year of implementation, the Chicago Roadmap remains steadfast on delivering a comprehensive approach that prioritizes high-quality instruction, earlier access to advanced programs, and targeted support to ensure postsecondary success.

The work of the Chicago Roadmap has experienced significant progress despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Highlights for the 2022 academic year and, where data is available, for the 2023 academic year, include:

  • The number of students earning substantial early college credits is climbing. In 2022, we
    celebrated more than 460 graduating CPS seniors who earned 15 or more college credits
    through CCC, up from approximately 330 students in 2019. In 2023, to date, 620 graduating seniors earned 15 or more college credits through CCC, an 88 percent increase from 2021 to 2023.
  • The number of students in transitional math and transitional English classes, classes which, when passed, allow CPS students to accelerate into college credit classes at CCC, is up — 41 percent for transitional math and 270 percent for transitional English from 2021 to 2023.
  • CCC postsecondary navigators continue to support more CPS high schools — up from 28 in the Fall of 2020 to 84 high schools in the Fall of 2022. This work has led to a promising increase in CCC enrollment.
  • CPS to CCC direct enrollment increased by 890 students or 30 percent from the CPS Class of 2021 to the CPS Class of 2022.
  • The Options for the Future scholarship for alternative CPS high school graduates helped
    increase CCC enrollment by 94% from the Class of 2021 to the Class of 2022.
  • New supports for CPS students with documented disabilities helped increase CCC enrollment for this group by 48% from the Class of 2021 to the Class of 2022.

Equity remains the Roadmap’s primary goal, and will continue working tirelessly to ensure that every student from every neighborhood in Chicago graduates from high school prepared for college and graduates from college ready to make a positive impact on their community and the world.

Read the full report in English and Spanish.

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