Meet Raquel, Jaime, and Yidedya, three students benefitting from the Chicago Roadmap. The Chicago Roadmap is an unprecedented partnership between Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and City Colleges of Chicago (CCC) to support students along a seamless path to and through college on the way to their chosen careers. Through the Chicago Roadmap, CPS and CCC […]
Now in its third year of implementation, the Chicago Roadmap remains steadfast on delivering a comprehensive approach that prioritizes high-quality instruction, earlier access to advanced programs, and targeted support to ensure postsecondary success. The work of the Chicago Roadmap has experienced significant progress despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Highlights for the 2022 academic […]
This new Impact Report illustrates the progress made after the Chicago Roadmap's first year of implementation, reporting on metrics for College Access, College Readiness, College Completion, and Economic Mobility.
This post was originally published on the Chicago Public Schools Blog on October 20, 2021. One of the key goals of the Chicago Roadmap is to dramatically and equitably increase student outcomes in college readiness, college enrollment, college persistence, college degree attainment, and employment by expanding access to high-quality programs, advising, and supports. The Roadmap is split into […]